InstaKey Security Systems

InstaKey Key Control Program
How much are you spending to change locks at your locations? You could be spending up to 80 percent less with an InstaKey® Security Systems KeyControl program.
How? Our user-rekeyable lock technology allows authorized personnel to rekey locks immediately, with just a key turn - saving on locksmith rekeys. With InstaKey, rekeying is only necessary when a restricted, uniquely serialized key has gone missing. When keys are recovered from transitioning key holders, a rekey is not necessary - saving additional budget dollars.
Do you know exactly how many keys can get into your location and who is carrying them? We bring the critical elements of key tracking and key control together in our cloud-based software,®. Track keys, key holders, cylinders, doors and locations in the cloud, while keeping an eye on the performance of your key system, including spending. Access to your records is available 24/7. can also be used for with non-InstaKey syste
Brands: InstaKey,, Detex, Simplex, Non InstaKey SFIC Programs